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What are the chances of catching an STD during unprotected?
So, you're reassured that they take their health seriously, but you still want them to blindly trust your word that you've never had unprotected sex, or engaged in any acts which could have made you a recipient of an STD or STI? Unless you live in a hermetically sealed bubble of a village where nobody has ever left and nobody ever visits, there is always the possibility of an infection or disease coming in. And once it's in, and given to the escort of your resident town, if she never leaves and continues to permit bareback, then the chances of catching and spreading something are increased exponentially.

As for how people ever have unprotected sex if everyone's so cautious. Believe it or not, a huge number of us meet our partners, date for a while, and then go get tested before we take that next step.
According to poster on the wall of the GUM clinic, chances of contracting HIV from receptive vaginal intercourse (female end) with someone who is HIV+ is 0.1-0.2%, if you are the person doing the insertion your chances are 0.03-0.09%.

I think these translate to 1 or 2 in 1000 for a woman catching it from a man, and 3-9 in 10,000 for it to be passed from woman to man.

Athletic, elegant, lingerie, kink and fetish indulger. Webcam, Chat, outcall focused to homes or hotels in the Barrow-in-furness, South Lakes area and beyond

Bareback is a total non-issue, it's a subject hyped up on a certain forum and used as their weapon of choice when a punter with a grudge wants to damage the reputation of a particular wg, it's the equivalent of the "dangerous punter" accusation used by wgs to blacken a punters reputation. Trolls and fantasisits have also picked up on it realising you can draw a crowd on a forum by starting a thread about it.

I once discussed this issue with three virtual friends, between us we have nearly 65 years punting experience.

Question, Have you ever asked a wg for bareback sex. Answer, No, no, no and no.

Question, Has a wg ever offered you bareback sex. Answer, No, no, no and no.

Absolutely no point in a thread like this, if the OP is for real which I doubt then he's already done his research, AW unlike most directories does allow the advertising of bareback sex so he can simply do a search and make his choice, if two consenting adults wish to indulge in unprotected sex that's their choice the vast majority of us choose not to, end of story.
Yeah, that's not too bad is it? And that is from having sex with somebody who is infected with it in the first place.

I would love to engage in bareback with a stranger but anyone with OCD will know that it niggles away at the slightest doubt and can lead to depression from the thought that you might have something, which is why I am conflicted.

I used to think that you could only catch this stuff through blood, I didn't realise the fuckers could potentially swim up my cock (through her fluids) and that scared me.

(27-11-2015, 15:12)Ana_X Wrote: So, you're reassured that they take their health seriously, but you still want them to blindly trust your word that you've never had unprotected sex, or engaged in any acts which could have made you a recipient of an STD or STI? Unless you live in a hermetically sealed bubble of a village where nobody has ever left and nobody ever visits, there is always the possibility of an infection or disease coming in. And once it's in, and given to the escort of your resident town, if she never leaves and continues to permit bareback, then the chances of catching and spreading something are increased exponentially.

As for how people ever have unprotected sex if everyone's so cautious. Believe it or not, a huge number of us meet our partners, date for a while, and then go get tested before we take that next step.

What are the odds of a man with a major STD coming to my particular neck of the woods, shagging a local escort, giving her the STD and then her passing it to me? I should imagine I have more chance of getting run over or involved in a car crash.

Also I am not really into the dating lark. Maybe if I got into it during my teens I would have gone for that, but I just like a good dirty shag with an unknown woman. The efficiency of the experience is unrivalled. I think if you are dating somebody and you get to the stage where you get tests done the excitement will have worn off.

But yeah, I am still somewhat confused although it is beginning to make a bit more sense, just the way people react to unprotected as if it is like plutonium is something strange which lead me to question my knowledge. So it appears my knowledge is sound and that people are just extra paranoid Smile
This post sounds more like you are trying to convince more escorts to start doing bareback.

Also I can certainly see the ignorance part you admit to having when firstly suggesting that people think that STI's can be created and that bisexual people and transsexuals are more of a danger than a "red blooded male". Also, the idiotic notion that your safe because your in a small town and that STI's are only something that people in poorer areas have to worry about.

Let me put this into perspective for you. The escort you see also has other clients (lets say 5 a week) that will come from outside of your little town and she barebacks them. Each of those 5 out of town clients will have barebacked other escorts before hand, let's just say they had only seen 1 other girl between getting an STI test and seeing this girl In your little town. The escort that this client would have seen will have barebacked let's say another 5 clients and then each of those 5 clients then bareback with other escorts.

Without continuing that on and stopping there that makes 21 different people from lots of different areas having bareback sex with others from lots of different areas that you now have to trust and hope that they don't already have anything.

Also, remember that escorts have sex with far more people than any other girls that don't work as escorts. Escorts are higher risk because of this.

I suggest you stop trying to play down the risks and stop trying to convince us all to bareback.
(27-11-2015, 15:52)Nova70 Wrote: Bareback is a total non-issue, it's a subject hyped up on a certain forum and used as their weapon of choice when a punter with a grudge wants to damage the reputation of a particular wg, it's the equivalent of the "dangerous punter" accusation used by wgs to blacken a punters reputation. Trolls and fantasisits have also picked up on it realising you can draw a crowd on a forum by starting a thread about it.

I once discussed this issue with three virtual friends, between us we have nearly 65 years punting experience.

Question, Have you ever asked a wg for bareback sex. Answer, No, no, no and no.

Question, Has a wg ever offered you bareback sex. Answer, No, no, no and no.

Absolutely no point in a thread like this, if the OP is for real which I doubt then he's already done his research, AW unlike most directories does allow the advertising of bareback sex so he can simply do a search and make his choice, if two consenting adults wish to indulge in unprotected sex that's their choice the vast majority of us choose not to, end of story.

Quote:Bareback is a total non-issue, it's a subject hyped up on a certain forum and used as their weapon of choice when a punter with a grudge wants to damage the reputation of a particular wg, it's the equivalent of the "dangerous punter" accusation used by wgs to blacken a punters reputation. Trolls and fantasisits have also picked up on it realising you can draw a crowd on a forum by starting a thread about it.

You better not be accusing me of that you fucking idiot. I didn't pay attention during education because I didn't receive any female interest which was why I started punting. Now I am punting it is important that I know because I don't want to catch anything that will give me a life sentence of misery. Fuck you.

Also there are no WGs in my area that offer BB, but I want to try it out anyway.
It could also be argued that prevelance of STIs is low because certain groups of people do practice safer sex.

Athletic, elegant, lingerie, kink and fetish indulger. Webcam, Chat, outcall focused to homes or hotels in the Barrow-in-furness, South Lakes area and beyond

(27-11-2015, 16:04)inexperiencedpunter Wrote: What are the odds of a man with a major STD coming to my particular neck of the woods, shagging a local escort, giving her the STD and then her passing it to me? I should imagine I have more chance of getting run over or involved in a car crash.

That depends on his own sexual history, something neither you or the escort would know nothing about. Reckless people with STDs and STIs willingly have unprotected sex with people who are completely unaware of the disease they're being exposed to. Are you willing to trust that nobody in your 'neck of the woods' would do such a thing?

(27-11-2015, 16:04)inexperiencedpunter Wrote: But yeah, I am still somewhat confused although it is beginning to make a bit more sense, just the way people react to unprotected as if it is like plutonium is something strange which lead me to question my knowledge. So it appears my knowledge is sound and that people are just extra paranoid Smile

Unprotected carries with it potentially life changing risk. Risks some people are not willing to take. Respect that.

Speaking of which, have you been screened now that you're sexually active? Condoms are not a 100% failsafe way to avoid herpes, chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, chancroid or syphilis. They only assist in reducing the risk of infection or pregnancy.
(27-11-2015, 16:26)Ana_X Wrote: Speaking of which, have you been screened now that you're sexually active? Condoms are not a 100% failsafe way to avoid herpes, chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, chancroid or syphilis. They only assist in reducing the risk of infection or pregnancy.

Sad I thought condoms were a guarantee? THIS SHIT JUST GETS MORE AND MORE FUCKING COMPLICATED!! FUCK ALL OF YOU!! FUCK THE HUMAN SPECIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why are there so many risks? It is just a normal casual human thing, there is sex in every TV show that has been on the telly since I have been born, I just don't understand why the reality has to be so complicated :>(

So now it transpires that you can catch something even WITH a condom. WTF!!!

To answer your question, no I haven't been screened and I didn't think I had to be. I can only afford to see a WG every few months so it doesn't really seem worth having something shoved down my cock and have to go somewhere where all sorts of people go.

If I had any symptoms I would obviously go for tests but otherwise it kind of ruins punting don't you think? Maybe once I reach the half dozen mark I will do. But seriously I can't believe you can catch STDs with a condom, that even goes for the biggies too I assume?

What a load of bollocks this sex lark is.
Also there are no WGs in my area that offer BB, but I want to try it out anyway.

Sarah is that you LOL.

Why would you go to that other forum or this one to ask about the statistical risks when you could go to a forum or a website where there are health professionals or you could just contact a GUM clinic as I'm sure they'd be happy to enlighten you, the fact is there won't be any 100% accurate statistics because not everyone who presents at a clinic with an STI/STD will admit to being a sex worker/someone who pays for sex.

I've seen this kind of thread a thousand times before and it bored me stupid the first time. There are two reasons why you started it.

1. Your a real punter seeking revenge against a wg for some reason, perhaps she ripped you off or you couldn't get it up or something. When you spoke about a wg who didn't seem bothered about the use of condoms the reaction you really wanted on that other forum and here is for someone to ask you to name her, well forget it it's certainly not going to happen here.

2. Your a fantasist and you've cottoned on to the fact that bareback threads draw attention (mainly from other fantasists) go back to that other forum and use one of the many other accounts you no doubt have and try again they will bite eventually they just can't help it and you'll get all the attention you crave.

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