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Restless leg syndrome
Do any of suffer from it, I was diagnosed with it when I was pregnant with my first son and was told it was due to the baby lying on a nerve. Basically you have no control over your legs they do exactly what they want if I went to the cinema I had to have an aisle seat could not stay in any one position for any length of time. After i gave birth it seemed to go.

Had it slightly with my second son but nowhere near to the extent as I had it with my first.

Now over the last couple of years it has reared its ugly head again with no actual reasoning for it apart from being tired, it is the strangest feeling I can be sitting and my legs will literally move of there own accord a bit like riverdance and no matter what I do I cant keep them still it is actually painful its like you want to punch the muscle to try and stop it.

I have actually sat and totally focused on keeping my legs still and cant mentally do it its like i am trying to overpower myself they just flick out here there and every where.

hubby suffers from a similar type thing he has the pain and discomfort but not the flailing moves.

have any of you experienced it
Only time i have suffered involuntary leg movements was with heatstroke - but my legs turned to jelly and just i could not stop them shaking. very odd feeling.
I have never heard of it Emily
it sounds quite horrible actually.
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My dad and grandad have it, they kick out in their sleep. And grandad has very sire legs during the day.
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(08-08-2011, 22:54)Freddo Wrote: I have never heard of it Emily
it sounds quite horrible actually.

I wouldnt say its horrible freddo just so uncomfortable it is the strangest thing to see and to try and control it is so much harder it would be easier giving up niccotine scientist say that the brain controls the body and the body does what the brain tells it to do well I can sit here and totally focus and think what I want my legs to do and tell my brain actually mentally that I want them to stop but they wont honestly I could win golden globes for riverdance.

The only thing that seems to ease it slightly is lying flat on cold sheetsbut every few minutes I have to move again cos the sheets start to warm up

And I am dancing now aggitated!!!
used to suffer it after standing for hours on end in the same spot, doc sent me to a specialist who works with footie players, he suggested horseradish 5 times a week & the hottest curries i could stand 3 times a week stuck by it never suffered since
My ex used to get it Ems, but only at night. I've developed it since then - again only at night or if I've been in one position too long during the day. It is weird.
I had to go to a sleep specialist unit last year and they filmed me during the night. They said I moved around A LOT. It makes it difficult for me to sleep - I manage to sleep during the day OK though. Strange that!
Never heard of it and hope I never get it. If it is a nerve thing it doesn't sound like you can control it though Emily, so I wouldn't even try, just put yourself in a position so you don't hurt yourself and let it ride out.
emily try keeping your legs higher than the rest of u, the specialist told me alot of people who suffer it end up getting ulcers on their legs, have u een told to stop smoking
Havent been back about it since I was pregnant many moons ago and didnt smoke at the time just plodded on and put up with it.

Never thought about elevating my legs though that is hubby as a footstool from now on.

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