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What are the chances of catching an STD during unprotected?
(27-11-2015, 17:16)inexperiencedpunter Wrote:
(27-11-2015, 16:26)Ana_X Wrote: Speaking of which, have you been screened now that you're sexually active? Condoms are not a 100% failsafe way to avoid herpes, chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, chancroid or syphilis. They only assist in reducing the risk of infection or pregnancy.

Sad I thought condoms were a guarantee? THIS SHIT JUST GETS MORE AND MORE FUCKING COMPLICATED!! FUCK ALL OF YOU!! FUCK THE HUMAN SPECIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why are there so many risks? It is just a normal casual human thing, there is sex in every TV show that has been on the telly since I have been born, I just don't understand why the reality has to be so complicated :>(

So now it transpires that you can catch something even WITH a condom. WTF!!!

To answer your question, no I haven't been screened and I didn't think I had to be. I can only afford to see a WG every few months so it doesn't really seem worth having something shoved down my cock and have to go somewhere where all sorts of people go.

If I had any symptoms I would obviously go for tests but otherwise it kind of ruins punting don't you think? Maybe once I reach the half dozen mark I will do. But seriously I can't believe you can catch STDs with a condom, that even goes for the biggies too I assume?

What a load of bollocks this sex lark is.

I rest my case..............
Yes of course you can catch STI's whilst still using condoms.

You can catch things like:
HPV (genital warts) which approximatelya 3rd of sexually active people already have in the UK.
Herpes (can show no signs and then all of the sudden one day when your run down nasty blisters can form on your cock. Or of course you could be a carrier. Also, this virus stays with you for life)
Genital lice (crabs)

Condoms don't make it impossible for HIV and other STD's to be caught but significantly reduces the risks.

This is the reason why you should get yourself checked out regularly even if you use condoms. Also, it can take up to 2 weeks for these diseases and infections to show up in tests. So you may need to have follow up check ups done to be safe.

Waiting until symptoms show until you GOTO the clinic is a very bad idea. Not only will you be passing on these STI's to others if you have them, but even the ones that you seem to think are not very dangerous, are in fact very dangerous.

For example, chlamidia. It shows no signs and you can have it for years until one day you get very I'll. By this time the virus will have already done permanent damage such as infertility and reactive arthritis.

I think it may be an idea for you to go to the clinic to not only get tested but also to get information on the risks from the nurse.
(27-11-2015, 17:16)inexperiencedpunter Wrote: FUCK ALL OF YOU!!

There is absolutely no need for that.

Of course they aren't 100% proof, nothing is 100% safe except abstaining completely. And since you've said that the condom broke during a punt it'd be wise to get checked sooner rather than later.

Given your apparent naivety, I'll assume you haven't heard of bug chasers or gift givers either.

On a serious level, your local GUM clinic is staffed with professionals who will tell you all you need to know about sexual health, statistics, risks etc. It would be a good idea to seek out a professional to teach you what you declined to learn while everyone else was listening in sex ed.
A final thought, isn't it a good thing that most of the people who start these threads are just fantasists if you were a wg wouldn't you just be overjoyed if they walked through your door.
(27-11-2015, 14:46)inexperiencedpunter Wrote: I will admit that I am a bit ignorant on this issue... It confuses me as to how there could be STDs in my little corner of the country.

You don't say?!

Do you think geography provides some mythical sort of protection against infectious agents...?
Why are there so many risks? It is just a normal casual human thing, there is sex in every TV show that has been on the telly since I have been born, I just don't understand why the reality has to be so complicated :>(

So now it transpires that you can catch something even WITH a condom. WTF!!!

To answer your question, no I haven't been screened and I didn't think I had to be. I can only afford to see a WG every few months so it doesn't really seem worth having something shoved down my cock and have to go somewhere where all sorts of people go.

If I had any symptoms I would obviously go for tests but otherwise it kind of ruins punting don't you think? Maybe once I reach the half dozen mark I will do. But seriously I can't believe you can catch STDs with a condom, that even goes for the biggies too I assume?

What a load of bollocks this sex lark is.

Oh dear you have never been and had a STI check.....bangs head against the wall! I do not offer BB and im still checked every 3 weeks without fail, i cant understand if you have OCD like you say you wouldn't want to reassure yourself dosnt make any sense
I'd say that having an untreated STI, and or passing one on could ruin it.

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(27-11-2015, 17:46)Nova70 Wrote:
inexperiencedpunter Wrote:Also there are no WGs in my area that offer BB, but I want to try it out anyway.

Sarah is that you LOL.

Why would you go to that other forum or this one to ask about the statistical risks when you could go to a forum or a website where there are health professionals or you could just contact a GUM clinic as I'm sure they'd be happy to enlighten you, the fact is there won't be any 100% accurate statistics because not everyone who presents at a clinic with an STI/STD will admit to being a sex worker/someone who pays for sex.

I've seen this kind of thread a thousand times before and it bored me stupid the first time. There are two reasons why you started it.

1. Your a real punter seeking revenge against a wg for some reason, perhaps she ripped you off or you couldn't get it up or something. When you spoke about a wg who didn't seem bothered about the use of condoms the reaction you really wanted on that other forum and here is for someone to ask you to name her, well forget it it's certainly not going to happen here.

2. Your a fantasist and you've cottoned on to the fact that bareback threads draw attention (mainly from other fantasists) go back to that other forum and use one of the many other accounts you no doubt have and try again they will bite eventually they just can't help it and you'll get all the attention you crave.

You are an idiot. You could do what any normal person would do and apply Occam's razor, especially going by my user name which clearly states that I am inexperienced. How dare you accuse me of trying to smear a WG's name!? You have issues you idiot.

I would feel nervous to go to the sex clinic, especially there was no need.

(27-11-2015, 17:47)Pixie Wrote: Yes of course you can catch STI's whilst still using condoms.

You can catch things like:
HPV (genital warts) which approximatelya 3rd of sexually active people already have in the UK.
Herpes (can show no signs and then all of the sudden one day when your run down nasty blisters can form on your cock. Or of course you could be a carrier. Also, this virus stays with you for life)
Genital lice (crabs)

Condoms don't make it impossible for HIV and other STD's to be caught but significantly reduces the risks.

This is the reason why you should get yourself checked out regularly even if you use condoms. Also, it can take up to 2 weeks for these diseases and infections to show up in tests. So you may need to have follow up check ups done to be safe.

Waiting until symptoms show until you GOTO the clinic is a very bad idea. Not only will you be passing on these STI's to others if you have them, but even the ones that you seem to think are not very dangerous, are in fact very dangerous.

For example, chlamidia. It shows no signs and you can have it for years until one day you get very I'll. By this time the virus will have already done permanent damage such as infertility and reactive arthritis.

I think it may be an idea for you to go to the clinic to not only get tested but also to get information on the risks from the nurse.

Thanks for the info, to be honest this is really worrying. I had no idea how dangerous STDs were, I used to think they were just a rash that you need cream for, back in the day. To think, as a teenager I just couldn't see what all the fuss was about!

Also I find it shocking that condoms aren't that reliable. I really thought they were a 100% safe method, I am quite annoyed to find that out.

(27-11-2015, 17:50)Ana_X Wrote:
(27-11-2015, 17:16)inexperiencedpunter Wrote: FUCK ALL OF YOU!!

There is absolutely no need for that.

Of course they aren't 100% proof, nothing is 100% safe except abstaining completely. And since you've said that the condom broke during a punt it'd be wise to get checked sooner rather than later.

Given your apparent naivety, I'll assume you haven't heard of bug chasers or gift givers either.

On a serious level, your local GUM clinic is staffed with professionals who will tell you all you need to know about sexual health, statistics, risks etc. It would be a good idea to seek out a professional to teach you what you declined to learn while everyone else was listening in sex ed.

Quote:Given your apparent naivety, I'll assume you haven't heard of bug chasers or gift givers either.

Why in the FUCK would anyone do that!? This world of sex just gets weirder and weirder. To think that someone would be insane to the point of catching a life changing illness for a thrill!? How would constant paranoid thoughts that you may have been marked for life and then actually getting ill and dying!? Some people need locking up. This thread continues to amaze me.

By the way I didn't "decline" to learn anything, I just never thought I would need to know, until I realised I could punt to get my thrills that way. All this stuff is so off putting :/

Quote:Of course they aren't 100% proof, nothing is 100% safe except abstaining completely. And since you've said that the condom broke during a punt it'd be wise to get checked sooner rather than later.

I have been forced to abstain until 25 so there is no way I am abstaining anymore. I want to have sex with as many different women as possible. I love the intimacy of it.

Also the condom breaking incident was back in July and it was only for a minute before she realised and put a new one on. Surely a minute isn't anything to worry about? And I've not had any symptoms from that and she doesn't travel anywhere for work. Additionally, she was in good shape so obviously looked after herself and didn't have a death wish to be engaging in crazy activities like bug chasing.

I think once I hit the half a dozen milestone I will probably get a check done, for posterity. However based on my finances that will properly be sometime mid next year.

(28-11-2015, 02:38)cassey_fox Wrote:
inexperiencedpunter Wrote:Why are there so many risks? It is just a normal casual human thing, there is sex in every TV show that has been on the telly since I have been born, I just don't understand why the reality has to be so complicated :>(

So now it transpires that you can catch something even WITH a condom. WTF!!!

To answer your question, no I haven't been screened and I didn't think I had to be. I can only afford to see a WG every few months so it doesn't really seem worth having something shoved down my cock and have to go somewhere where all sorts of people go.

If I had any symptoms I would obviously go for tests but otherwise it kind of ruins punting don't you think? Maybe once I reach the half dozen mark I will do. But seriously I can't believe you can catch STDs with a condom, that even goes for the biggies too I assume?

What a load of bollocks this sex lark is.

Oh dear you have never been and had a STI check.....bangs head against the wall! I do not offer BB and im still checked every 3 weeks without fail, i cant understand if you have OCD like you say you wouldn't want to reassure yourself dosnt make any sense

I didn't realise the extent of how dangerous STDs were. For instance I thought that you could only get HIV if somebody's blood went directly into an open wound. I didn't realise it could swim up my dick and into my body that way. Also due to the quiet part of the country I lived in I didn't think that STDs would have been much of a problem, I thought they were more of a problem in cities and poorer areas.

I have only had sexual intercourse with four women, once the condom broke momentarily do I really need a checkup for that!?

The level of paranoia doesn't sit well with me. I really need somebody who I can trust to talk me through it. Maybe I will have a quick chat with the WG at the end of my next punt.

Thaks for helping out those of you who have. I am just so shocked by all of this. By the sixth punt I will definitely get a check up.
No symptoms ? You wouldn t with chlamydia- it's silent, unnoticed but out there. It will make you infertile if you are careless.
You may not want kids but pity the poor woman yiu may pass it on to - because 'statistically' you are 'low risk'
"Also the condom breaking incident was back in July and it was only for a minute before she realised and put a new one on. Surely a minute isn't anything to worry about? And I've not had any symptoms from that and she doesn't travel anywhere for work. Additionally, she was in good shape so obviously looked after herself and didn't have a death wish to be engaging in crazy activities like bug chasing."

You come across as someone who is perhaps on the autistic spectrum, so I'm not going to have another go at you. But honestly, your entire concept of STIs and their transmission is way, way off. How an escort looks or where she travels has nothing to do with her risk levels.

You just need to use condoms, properly and all the time until you find a regular partner, and go for an STI screen at least once per year. It's really pretty simple.

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