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how to get neg feedbck removed ?
This is horrible . I think everyone who sees the feedback knows what a bitter little tosser he is .

But I would try and make AW remove it, its so obvoius he has a real problem

❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

miss_naughty I had exactly the same thing happen to me recently for the exact same reason, i.e., previously unblemished rating and this guy decided to leave several neg feedbacks (because I wouldn’t meet him - he was one of those that would not take no for an answer, even though I dealt with him very politely) – anyway after he left the feedback he then conveniently left the site!

I wrote TWICE to AW explaining the situation, I even was able to include documentary evidence i.e., extracts from his chat logs (where he admitted he was aware that I don’t escort etc.. but I was never afforded the courtesy of a reply (which I was surprised at as normally they are quite good at responding, even in a “sorry we can’t do that” type of way). In fact just before I seen your post on here I was also thinking of sending them another email (though I don’t to bug them!!) and in view of the first 2 being ignored I think on the other hand perhaps I shouldn’t but on the other hand why should this guy away with it (& it wasn’t the same person as yours) -- However the only reason I feel so strongly about it is:

The negative feedback (blot on my previously unblemished landscape is TOTALLY unjustified, if it was justified I’d take it on the chin) but I know the reasons behind it (i.e., spite because I would not meet him). The system should not be open to guy’s like this abusing it, ie., leaving negative feedback purely out of spite and then leaving the site soon after (leaving behind their indelible mark & no doubt starting again with a new profile. The guy that did it to me only had 7 feedbacks & one of them was neg. It all so easy for them to delete their (usually sparse!) profile & start another one after doing their dastardly deed!).

I explained the situation to AW but they have not only ignored my emails but also have left his feedback there! Where is the justification in that? IMO there is a serious flaw with the site in that way. Yes when I sent the email via their Help page/form system, when I went to send it – it flashed up in Red something like that that question was already answered (in their system), so perhaps its flagged up to them that it has been answered and they don’t bother looking at my email. I really don’t know. Actually I’ve just remembered I did get an automated ‘no reply’ style email, I’ve dug it out, here it is:


Please review the following Help Centre Article entitled 'I am not happy
with feedback another member has left me'.

(Please ensure pop-ups are enabled for before clicking on
the above link.)

If the above article(s) do not answer your query, please let us know via
the Help Centre. When responding, please clarify the exact nature of your
problem including entire error messages if you are seeing any. This will
help us to assist you in a timely manner.


The Team

Mmmm that doesn’t make sense as that’s EXACTLY what I DID in the first place i.e, read that article BEFORE sending them an email! It then invites me to contact them saying “if the above article does not answer your query. Please let us know via the Help Centre” --- when, as I said, that’s exactly what I did in the first place!! Starts to get very confusing, going round in circles somewhat. Anyway maybe I will give it another shot (its just I’m conscious of the whole process becoming a head*uck!).

It is annoying tho I’m not one of those people that is always bothering/emailing them about every little tittle tattle, I also make them a regular weekly amount! So it’s a pretty poor way to treat their regulars! Or maybe they just need to review their response method as its basically sent out an automated message inviting me to do something I’ve already done!

Head*uck coming on……. DOH!! Banana

Ok well I'm not happy about this, it's so unfair. I have sent a complaint and requested the feedback is removed. Maybe if enough of us did the same something might happen? Use the steps explained here Use the box for details to explain what happened and why you are so disgusted, don't forget to use the link to little_missnaughty's profile so they can check out the feedback themselves. Don't forget ladies we got the tip in freechat rules changed, we can get this feedback sorted!

My AdultWork Profile

Follw Me Big Boy Wink

Missy XXX
Oh I tell a lie, I ALSO received this (see below in italics) automated reply just before the other one I copied above… I won’t copy & paste all of it as it will take up far to much space on here as basically it lists EVERY possible question from the Help Centre.

I know they must be swamped at times with repetitive queries on a daily/hourly basis… but I do find it a tad patronising. I’ve gone to the trouble of composing an articulate email and that is what I get as a reply! It’s a bit like when you ring up a company and they have one of those automated voice message systems and it proceeds to list every thing (except what your ringing about!) -- although in those cases if you hang on long enough you do eventually get to speak to someone (or get a response) about your own individual situation.

Anyway according to the first email they will review it in 48 hours which is why I got the 2nd email above (sorry I’ve put it back to front). I know I said I didn’t get a response above but what I meant was I didn’t get a personalised response to my individual situation. Just these 2 automated style replies.

miss_naughty would be interesting to see how you get on with it (as personally to me it feels like I was banging my head against a brick wall)..

here is their 1st email:


This email is to confirm that your recent message left at
has been received a will reviewed within 48 hours. Please do not resubmit
your query again unless you have any more information to provide. If you
do not receive a reply within this time it will be because the subject
matter of your message is covered by one of the articles in our Help

When you submitted your message you were presented with the following Help
Centre Articles:

- How do I remove myself from this website? Can I reactivate?

- What settings should I use to login to the DirectCam Server?

- I wish to complain about the conduct of another member

- JustCamIt Information - Set-up, settings, options and troubleshooting.

- What are Aliases and can I remove them?

- When I enter my email address I get a message saying it is already in

etc etc etc......
(24-02-2013, 17:19)missdemeanour Wrote: I have sent a complaint and requested the feedback is removed. Maybe if enough of us did the same something might happen?

I would say their whole system needs reviewing in relation as to how they handle this, as their current system IMO leaves us ALL vulnerable/open to to abuse from spiteful individuals, (without AW having to be boycotted on an individual case by case basis). Might be an idea to bring this to their attention/highlight/expose it in the next Q&A session for example.
yep thats exactly what i have had off em link to anuther link to anuther link no decent reply and ive been working today ... i know its dead atm but ive earned a big fat zero AW are a pain in the arse outta of getting a decent reply from i want all this removed its bang out of order rarrrrrr ....
thanks tho to all of you girls you been brill and i really mean that x x
(24-02-2013, 17:19)missdemeanour Wrote: Use the steps explained here Use the box for details to explain what happened and why you are so disgusted

I already did that (in relation to my own situation), after doing so see the TWO replies I received from AW above!

Also I hear what your saying if enough of us get involved (on behalf of missnaughty) but we shouldn't have to go in mob handed, i.e., bring in the army/back up from other Service Providers or anyone else for that matter.
(24-02-2013, 17:39)miss_naughty Wrote: yep thats exactly what i have had off em link to anuther link to anuther link no decent reply and ive been working today ... i know its dead atm but ive earned a big fat zero AW are a pain in the arse outta of getting a decent reply from i want all this removed its bang out of order rarrrrrr ....
thanks tho to all of you girls you been brill and i really mean that x x

I thought mine was bad until I seen yours (amount he left I mean), thing is, its not on and needs to be highlighted to AW somewhere. They are coming across like they don't really want to get involved/look into cases on an individual basis. I feel a bit let down by them in this way I must admit. Am sure your feeling the same way.(its like being abused TWICE, once by the service seeker and then (our cries of help ignored) by our 'protector'!!!). Sorry if that sounds extreme but that's really the only way I can describe it.
nope i totally agree with you hun im so disheartened with it all its unreal they get enuff money outta of us they should make sure this sort of shit doesnt happen its wrong unfair unjust and rarrr im so pist off its unreal its a whole page of fookin feed bck nearly and it is affecting me earning money hes totally gone to town with it and AW need to get this sorted for us they know aswell the punters we ask for fb and they know it affects our profiles andAW also know this i wont be brushing this under the carpet i want it removed !!
Shame this is on the Public Forum, but here goes..
Maybe AW could bring something in where a client cant get another service,, IM or phone until they have completed their feedback from their past session. Just an idea of mine Big Grin

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