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Think i might be being done over.. please help
He's a piss taker. If I had a £1 for every guy I've come across, who behaves like this cretin, I'd be a very rich woman by now, believe me! Most of these "financial slaves" are like this - a good 99% in fact. While I do offer financial slavery, I have very strict rules about it. If slaves want to serve me in this way, they MUST make either a one off payment (minimum of £25) or purchase a gift from my wishlist BEFORE getting my attention. Almost all of them don't - which proves they are simply time-wasting morons. The ones who do are genuine - and yes in the 8 years I've been a Domme, I've found 2 who have been genuine.

Don't give him any more attention, and block him. If he's contacting you outside of Adultwork, may be an idea to send his details to TimeWastingSubs to warn others about this pondlife x
The first guy I had who was like this, I had him send a picture of himself - he didn't pay, his picture when up on my website, along with his name and a warning for others to avoid. He was pretty pissed, and did send various threats - which didn't amount to anything - all mouth and no trousers - but I had the last laugh! lol x
I can only reiterate what everyone else have already said. Also you should not be giving out your SKYPE or any details without first being paid. Ideally by him making an initial booking. Be it a couple minutes at the very least.

Some men fantasies are not necessarily being slaves. It's more about Mind Fuck, he knows your enticed by the cash (who wouldn't be). So he's getting of on watching you jump hoops!!

Remember all that glitters is not gold!!! Block his arse and leave him private notes so that other ladies can be aware of him in future.
I totally hear where your coming from as I have kind of been in the same situation but not with the same guy or I will get a so called slave who will pay out for something then a few days later say i'm sorry this is not what I want.

I just dont get these males as I think to myself you are just making us hate you more and not take you seriously. I truly think if somebody wants to be a cash slave they must be 1000% committed and to be ready to provide ANYTHING to you.

Also I dont get the ones who say I want to be your slave and I will meet your every need but the moment you mention gift,gesture or cash allowance they hesitate. I'm a true believer don't speak what you can't deliver and recently that seems like a lot of them.

At least im not alone with the fakeness of cash slaves, they should be called Bankrupt punks instead lol
(04-01-2013, 20:25)fitflirty18 Wrote: Ok so had a mail from a guy the other day called mike. He has mixed feedback.

He asked if he can be my slave and i said ok add me on skype and we can come to an arrangement.. here goes

He was on about doing this whole money slavery where me and a friend dress up in scarves and totally clothed humiliate him and sign these aggreements where he will have to pay us quite large sums of money to humiliate him on cam say once a week or something and he would give us the following:

-£400 a month rent
-£50 a month phone bill paid
-£50 per week hair and nails done annowance
-£100 per week shopping allowance
-£££ for any other bills we are free to add on at any time (car insurance, holidays etc)

He has also hinted at adding me and my friend to his company's payroll and giving us deeds to his house and forcing him to pay us rent. Basically he gets off on the idea of being financially screwed over i gather.

He then pops up all the time and is really taking up alot of my time talking to him however i have stuck with him on the promise of this money. The other day i got a bit pissed off seeing as i charge for my time and he is getting lots of it but i havent seen a penny yet. I asked for a small payment just as sort of 'insurance' almost; so i know he is serious and not just getting off on the idea of it all.

He refused this and accused me of not trusting him etc and said things like ohh u have to trust me 100% that i mean it when i say and once u and ur friend get together on cam (we tried the other day but just missed him) and sign agreements over cam and humliate him he will be putty in our hands and give us all this cash.

All seems a bit too good to be true and im pretty sure its all lies.. I messaged one of the girls who gave him bad feedback and she said yeah he is known on the internet.

His initials are MA and i don't want to name him on here as i dunno if its allowed so pm me if u want details like full name etc!

My main Q is has anyone had contact with this guy? Or anyone had a similar situation? Thanks for reading!!!! x


I had a guy contacting me about humiliation and blackmailing. He wanted to meet once a week or so to be humiliated and blackmailed..
Can you actually do that? I mean blackmail someone as per their request?
I wouldnt want to get in trouble. He could as well call the police and tell them that I blackmailed him..
I avoid these kind of guys..

Only ever had 2 genuine financial 'slaves', that actually did give me money. That's out of God knows how many, like someone else mentioned - it is pure fantasy for most.

And even with those aforementioned genuine slaves, they still had to make a booking and pay me for the booking also, as well as extra... Don't accept anything less.

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