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Critical look/evaluation of the UKPunting forum for punters
In this thread I’ll write a general review of the UKPunting forum, after my very brief time as a member there but much longer time as a lurking guest. This will be a little different from the other UKPunting thread on here where the OP is merely enquiring about his ban. I’ll weigh the pros and cons of the site, good points, where its lacking, as well as giving my verdict on whether its worth it for punters to sign up. In the second part I’ll try to keep things relevant for this site by offering my opinion on how Adultworkforum can do things better. Possibly, a few who’ve been recently banned will end up reading this thread, and hopefully they can get some reassurance as well as answers. Lastly, if you disagree with anything I say on here, that’s fine, press reply and say so, but don’t just come out with “lets get this thread removed because it brings UKPunting negative publicity.” As far as I’m aware, Adultworkforumis not linked to UKPunting, so why should they remove anything which expresses an opinion about somewhere else? Finally, if you’re tired of seeing UKPunting threads, at least appreciate I’ve taken a lot of time to write this, and by all means move on to another one you prefer reading.

So, lets get started…

Critical look at the UKPunting Website and what benefit it provides to punters (if any)

The UKPunting forum has been around for a long time now having started in 2010 (if I’m correct). Slowly, its risen from being unknown quantity to one of the main (if not the only) go-to places for honest reviews. UKPunting boasts that 300 new members are joining everyday, and that’s entirely believable given the traffic the site is currently receiving. The number of new members and visitors is bound to increase with the site becoming more and more prominent. So far it hasn’t broken into the mainstream like Mumsnet or Reddit, after all it deals with rating working girls not pushchairs or nurseries. But given the slow normalization of porn (10 years ago porn sites were rarely mentioned openly) it may be a matter of time before UKPunting becomes ‘mainstream.’ Whether it’ll be able to cope once this happens is up for debate.

My personal experience there as a member was mostly negative, after all I was only able to post once before I got banned. I found the newer, fresher members were actually quite decent, but the slightly older ones who had been there a while – the ‘established old guard’ so to speak – appeared paranoid, psychotic, and deeply negative. Maybe the paranoia stems from being on edge the whole time having to hide their ‘secret hobby’ from their wives and girlfriends. And the negativity from an underlying resentment of having to pay for sex. But now that almost no women are left on there for them to vent their frustrations out on, established members have found a new ‘enemy’  in any noob who bothers to sign-up, hounding and bullying them just for the sake of it. Many of these poor noobs understandably get fed up and start arguing back only to get banned for doing so. The hazing and bullying doesn’t serve any real purpose apart from keeping the old codgers feeling young by dreaming they’re back at the school playground.

It doesn’t help that the ‘forum rules’ are vague in this regard, almost laughable. The actual rule concerned with ‘Abuse towards other members’ states “Discord must be kept civil. Excessive abuse / swearing is not acceptable. "You're acting like a twat" is not excessive, however "you're a fucking inbred cunt" is excessive and is not acceptable.” Either way, the established old guard regularly flout these and other rules when hazing new members.

I’ve experienced their nonsense first hand. In my first post there as the user ‘PervertedPakistani’ (that post is still present), I gave members a heads up on a slightly suspicious outfit calling itself the ‘Escort Recruitment Agency.’ My post was extremely detailed, but instead of appreciating that a newbie like me had taken the time and effort to create something different to the usual “Hi, new member here” bollocks, the exact opposite happened and a few idiots started mindlessly parroting whatever came into their heads .“OP is a cunt” “OP is dodgy” “OP is touting” “Something’s fishy” yada yada yada. I was banging my head against a brick wall. Apart from a user called ‘FCB,’ none of the fuckwits had even bothered to read what my post was actually trying to tell them, and they ended up accusing me of being a member of the organization I was trying to ‘expose.’ (facepalm)

The thread which eventually got me banned might have been a little inflammatory towards escorts (sorry girls…), but it was actually very sympathetic towards punters.  Entitled “Reasons why I would never see a hooker…”  I was simply highlighting why I found visits to escorts tedious and uninspiring and argued that the whole industry needed fresh ideas. I did not question sex work per se, nor was I bringing morality or immorality into it. I was simply looking at things from a punter’s perspective.  Many of the points I raised were in fact already present in other people’s threads, so it wasn’t as if I was saying something entirely new. In the end I was slapped with a ban and labelled a “troll” by admin, my thread not even seeing the light of day before it got wiped. 

Over the years UKPunting has lost many a good member through its bans. Many had been there for years, making important contributions, dozens or more escort reviews.  And yet, people who post one-word garbage like ‘Anal’ (as I’ll explain later) manage to get off scot-free. The following ‘banned members list’ though not exhaustive highlights just how cunty UKPunting can be even to those who’ve been there ages (username next to number of posts):
 vorian – 5,830
 Tazman1002001 – 4,428 (rev: 48)
 Yorkshire123 – 4,161
 SirFrank – 2,810
 Quesadilla – 2,121 (rev: 40)
 Ben4454 – 2,061
 Tjkooker – 1,946
 Raylondoner – 1,423
 Wayang – 1,351
 Ladyofthemansion – 1,038
 Bensonhedges20 – 799 (rev: 20)
 Marty mcfly – 793
 Aspen - 751
 Mcgee 121 – 618
 Endomorph – 573 (rev: 20)
 abdul – 413

That isn’t to say everyone who gets banned is innocent. But when members like Vorian, Quesadilla, and Wayang, who were well-respected and almost mainstays of the site, disappear, then you begin to wonder; can someone really be a ‘troll’ if they’ve contributed 6,000 posts before they were eliminated? It takes a lot of time and effort even to reach a century of posts, the dedication of these members would’ve been immense. Then wham! That’s it! No advanced warning, no yellow card, no email asking you to tone it down. Just one strike and you’re out!

These bans make it virtually impossible for spammers or trolls to get through, that’s true, but it also means genuine posters like the ones above are automatically lost forever (the rolling IP ban virtually assures this as I explain further down); long-time posters whose only crime might’ve been to just get one sentence wrong or to have used a banned word (no official list exists, so how the hell would you even know?) And many times, these bans are handed down entirely at the whim of admin, even if the banned member hadn’t actually broken any UKPunting rules. It really begs the question, why have any in the first place if the person enforcing doesn’t even bother referring back to them? Current members seem to be blissfully unaware that that every single one of them is walking a tightrope - they’ll get binned without a second thought if admin wishes.

A variety of banning reasons are often given: unstable, multiple accounts, threatening admin, bad attitude towards other members, ‘leaver’ (whatever that means), but most often the only explanation given is ‘troll.’ We have no real way of knowing of course of what actually happened on each occasion, just admin’s side of the story. King Tarzan seems to be the only member who has ever managed to ‘unban’ himself, though bizarrely he’s made some of the most trollish threads ever created! And on another occasion, admin banned someone simply for challenging the validity of his friend’s banning. All very ‘Kim Jong Un’!

As stated above, if you’re slapped with a ban, it’s a rolling IP ban which blocks you signing up to UKPunting ever again. As far as I’m aware, this applies to dynamic IPs as well as static ones, meaning if your router IP changes every once in a while, it makes no difference - you still receive a message saying ‘Troll – this ban will not expire’ and signing up with a new email won’t make a shred of difference. I find this extremely intrusive and indiscrete. Unbeknownst to many people, these IP bans automatically get assigned to your home IP and will appear on your ISP record. So they’ll even show up alongside your IP on certain websites. I can just imagine someone’s wife or girlfriend innocently checking her IP and  and stumbling upon the name ‘UKPunting…’ For a forum that claims to care about punters, its utterly reckless, and if I was a punter who found myself banned by them, I’d always be on edge about getting getting exposed…

Well-established UKPunting members seem to have a group wank when someone gets banned, yet they fail to understand that, with each ban, a source of potentially valuable information gets lost forever; setting aside the trolls, every serious punter that makes the effort to join UKPunting will be bringing his or her unique experiences to the discussion. Ultimately, in most cases, these experiences will help to improve the general punting experience for everyone.

In my own case, the main reason I’d signed up was to expose countless other scams I’d been given the heads up on including a nationwide bunch of twats who seem to be targeting punters and are still doing so. The second reason was to create interesting, fresh threads in the main section. All of this I was gonna do off my own back but I honestly don’t know why I bothered. As cruel is sounds, I couldn’t care less anymore if UKPunting members get scammed twice, thrice, or even a dozen times over.
So is there anything a noob can do to ensure he doesn’t get banned? Well, the only way anyone gets taken seriously on there is by creating an utterly banal thread that won’t get noticed. Threads like:

“How long do you spend on the phone with the wg trying to arrange a punt?”
“Hoping to give first review soon…”  (err thanks for telling us mate)!
“Should I sent porn to a WGs phone if she’s ignoring me?”
 “Does my WG need a Christmas card?”
 “Cold hands” 

The last one being my personal favourite - a ‘request for information’ thread from a punter so lazy he couldn’t spell out a full title! Oh and ‘Cold hands’ – a punter asking how to warm his cold hands once inside the escort’s flat. Oh for fucks sake man!

This is what UKPunting has become or rather, what its been turned into. There was once a time when it was quite a lively place, escort girls as well as guys contributing and inevitably leading to dramas, tantrums, fights, and arguments. But opinions were exchanged, ideas were challenged, and ultimately a lot of stimulating discussion arose. But over time, the censure of edgy and challenging threads means that (apart from the reviews section) the place is overrun with infantile, repetitive, and often absurd threads as well as endless ‘requests for information.’ To be fair to admin, this has probably occurred because its makes his job to moderate all the more easier, after all he’s running the place single-handedly. Nowadays, its become notoriously difficult to troll UKPunting and most pranksters don’t get past their first post.

All that said, the reviews section bucks this trend of mediocrity and really does stand out. Its second-to-none in providing lively, honest, and in-depth discussion of different service providers; fluffies are kept to a minimum, the reviews are totally objective and never overly gushing or unnecessarily negative. At times they’re so candid that the escort girls in question join up to write counter reviews. They get quickly found out though.

There is no doubt UKPunting has become prominent and is still growing. Even though it may be running ‘at a loss,’ the commercial potential is huge should admin wish to go down that path. 300 new members a day are joining, that’s a freakin massive number, and this will only increase now given the new restrictions on guest users. As a reviews site, its gaining more and more followers.

But UKPunting shoots itself in the foot with its needless bans and its insistence on keeping any real discussion to a minimum. In any case, admin has openly stated he doesn’t even want any new members signing up.

As a user calling myself  ‘PervertedPakistani,’ I should also say that I experienced very little obvious racism on there at all. I mention this because the accusation has often been levelled by some that UKPunting is ‘a middle-aged, White man’s club’ which shuts everyone out. I’ve always felt the opposite to be honest. There are punters from all backgrounds on there, even if the majority is likely to be White, middle-aged, and English. And the negativity is towards noobs in general rather than being targeted towards any minority. That said, the rules that allow freedom to “[bash] religion / culture / nationality… “ would probably not apply to me in reverse and as a Pakistani guy making a perceived anti-White comment,  I’d most likely get banned instantly.

So, what’s my conclusion? Is it worth it joining UKPunting if you’re a punter? I’d say its definitely worth it signing up for the reviews section alone. That said, you could technically still access up to 10 pages as a guest, though it does make things a little inconvenient. If you do sign-up you’re under no obligation to make a post, you can just browse other people’s reviews or check the review of an escort you’re planning to meet (and this aspect of UKPunting is quite commendable). But if you stray any further than the reviews section, be warned! Make sure you don’t draw attention to yourself, always keep a low profile to begin with, make sure any new threads you create are as banal and asinine as possible, stay away from creating opinionated threads that may spark a heated debate (my own essay ‘Why I’d never see a hooker’ got me banned even though it was extremely pro-punter), ensure your posts do not stir up too much controversy, when creating threads ensure you limit yourself to a few paragraphs at most (at the very least a few lines are fine but  long ‘essays’ like this one will draw attention to you); expect any hazing or bullying to be a given as well as knee-jerk accusations of you being a troll (just because you’re new there), don’t take all this too personally and DON’T talk back even if your accusers are in the wrong (as they most often are); any arguments will just draw attention to you and if you’re not banned immediately you’ll still place yourself under admin’s radar for future banning. And if you don’t have a headache by the end of reading this, you’ll be fine!

My verdict for the site: 5/10

Good reviews section worth signing up for
Cons: Very easy to get banned, extremely intrusive IP bans that don’t expire, hazing of new members for no reason, intelligent conversation not allowed, many ridiculous, repetitive and pointless threads, hard to get hold of admin
Awesome review, very very well detailed.

[Image: male-police-officers-collection-001.jpg]
That's a very useful post. It's great that you took the time to write all that, as I like a member who can speak their mind honestly, but not in a derogatory way. It seems that you're right about the banning of IP addresses, as even a VPN doesn't normally work on there, but if it catches you off guard with your main IP address, it automatically blocks your account, even if you get a new IP address. That's kind of a unique and successful way to keep out pests, but I reckon some benevolent people who get banned at UKPunting don't always warrant being banned.

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