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Reverse Bookings - how to respond? - Printable Version

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Reverse Bookings - how to respond? - nb134 - 13-04-2014

I've just put together my first reverse booking request.
Not with the intention of driving the price down, but to find some profiles which are not coming up in my searches.
I was hoping to get a couple of responses leading up to the date (it's 3 weeks away), but half a dozen came in within half an hour - including a couple of exceptionally decent ladies!

Thing is though, it's a bit rude just to ignore all that I'm not interested in, so I intend to respond. They've made the effort, so should I. But how on earth to I tell a smoking hot woman that I don't want to see her? Now there's a problem I haven't had in a while!!!


RE: Reverse Bookings - how to respond? - Diva Gina - 13-04-2014

I guess it is easiest to say something along the lines of, 'thanks so much for replying. You are really smoking hot and I would love to meet you, so don't take this as a rejection, but I got lots of replies from lovely ladies and this time I have picked someone else'
BTW I think it is great that you are taking the effort to reply to everyone, I am sure most men don't.

RE: Reverse Bookings - how to respond? - NylonWarehouse - 14-04-2014

You could also tell them that you've added them to your hotlist for another time - that might soften the blow (and make it easier for you to find them again next time) Smile

RE: Reverse Bookings - how to respond? - Lotus - 14-04-2014

I think I'd rather be ignored than told I didnt make the cut! These ladies probably bid on a few reverse bookings, Im sure they are not refreshing the page every 5 mins to check if you've responded or picked them. Personally wouldn't worry about it Smile

RE: Reverse Bookings - how to respond? - nb134 - 14-04-2014

It's more a curiosity for discussion rather than something I'm worried about... maybe I'm just too polite sometimes!
Ta for your thoughts ladies Smile

RE: Reverse Bookings - how to respond? - hornygirl1991 - 16-04-2014

I bid on a reverse booking awhile ago, then wondered what he was on about when he messaged me picking me...I think most ladies normally forget, or assume they won't be chosen, so its kind of a waste of time to message them all. x

RE: Reverse Bookings - how to respond? - nb134 - 18-04-2014

I guess you're all right in one way or another!
There's been 30 responses to my RB now, is that normal or is work a little slow at the moment? Maybe it's because I introduced myself and put up some pics in my profile (respectable ones), but I guess most guys are just "I want" kind of requests.
Deleted more than half of them because they're either just a mass cut and past response or just not appearing to have read my text. Left with 12 to choose... oh the hardship I have to endure!!!

So fellas, if your reading this, be polite in your RB and it looks like you'll attract a choice of quality dates!

RE: Reverse Bookings - how to respond? - HornyinHampshire - 30-04-2014

TBH in all of the time I replied to reverse bookings, I never once got a reply Sad so you are obviously one of the nice ones Smile

RE: Reverse Bookings - how to respond? - nb134 - 01-05-2014

Of course I am HH, in fact I'm absolutely delightful! Smile