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2016 Q&A with AW Webmaster
I have got a few questions points to raise , as follows:

Would it be possible to  re think /implement a mechanism  set in order to protect our business :
  * filtering providers (seekers /providers) there is a high rate of individuals who breach the terms of this site  , 
  *consider increasing minimum charge per minute to 1£?
  *sensible advertising as the media stirred up enough controversy (again I am not pointing fingers I am highlighting once again why filtering providers it is crucial , service seekers as the rest of us are entitled to privacy and do not wish to be misrepresented in tabloids by attention seekers /''celebs''wannabes ).
  *proudly British so why not campaign in our favour .
  *Direct chat /Direct Im highlighted maybe different colour font for each of these features to stand out ,just a thought?
  *Push for IStreaming to launch an updated version of Justcamit Lite compatible with new player .
  *Reliability of platform at peak times.
  *Communication between service providers and yourselves so that we can run this at full potential.
[-] The following 1 user says Thank You to Angel for this post:
  • MissRoxxie
All of the above, especially advertising and movie pricing.

Also can we have some sort of record to show how many times certain movies/rentals have been sold. At the moment if you want to keep track of how well any individual movie is doing you have to trawl back through statements and manually count it all up.

My question echo's what everyone else is saying, with all the documentaries and stories in the media about webcamming Adult Work has had a high increase in the number of new webcammers whilst the number of man using the site has dropped. This needs addressing so that new advertising methods can be put in place to drive back up the number of men using the site and also to deter long term webcammers from ceasing using Adult Work completely.
My question really is the same as everyone elses really .. think JCI could be alot better too work on and echo everyone else  for more advertising and more traffic our way pleaseeeeee x x x
long term webcammers are the ones that have kept this going for know it all sea of new people to take advantage when some of us joined AW there was nothing available as to what there is now all these tools to make earning a living dummy proof still begs the questions ...the old saying do not hand spectacles to the owl ....bit of respect! madames.
There must be more clients with questions than just me. No? Oh well, here goes nothing then Wink

1) The ability to search blogs.

2) The ability to download emails, both sent and received, over a certain age, like a month for example, in a format suitable for importing into most commonly used PC Email Clients.

3) The ability to view Bookings as a separate option, rather than having to trawl through "All Correspondence" in order to find them. The current options don't seem to find them.

4) Main Page > Quick Links > Your Hot List. If you have several hot lists but the default one is empty, clicking this option causes an error. Better it displayed the list of hotlists, I think, if there are any, in the same way as Search > My Hot Lists does.
[-] The following 1 user says Thank You to Likes-Big-Girls for this post:
  • Nova70
Hi, questions have been submitted to Webmaster now.

Will post answers once received.

UK Office landline number is 02080508019 12midday - 2pm Monday - Friday

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Hi all, please see the questions that were submitted and their answers below:

Q 1: I would like to know if AW has any plans to do more advertising
this year. With all the documentaries about webcamming in the last
couple of years AW has now been inundated with new models, while
according to sites such as Alexa male visitors are not joining or
using the site at the same rate. We sorely need some new customers.

A 1:

Alexa do not have access to our database and cannot be relied upon for these figures. We can confirm that those joining the site (seeking services) have increased in line with those offering services.

We have dedicated Team members who are progressing with marketing/advertising both in the UK and Internationally and will continue to do so.

Be under no illusion that as fast as we can bring in new customers, members attempt to divert customers away from AW to webcam using PayPal, Skype and/or bank transfers via Twitter or their own websites. If those members diverting customers elsewhere were to stop doing so, there would obviously be more credits circulating. This is not just new members breaching our Terms here but also some members who have been on the Site for years suddenly decide that our Terms of Use don't apply to them. A quick win leads to longer term pain.

We feel it is as much our members' responsibility to bring in new customers as it is ours. We encourage our members to use the Referral Scheme, target your UK and International contacts and make a difference for everyone. Just imagine if every AW Member (Offering services) were to introduce just one new customer to the Site!

You are all Ambassadors of AW but we are aware that some members feel the need to complain about the Site regularly on social media. Whilst you may feel that airing your problem helps you, what it actually does is give the Site a bad reputation and in turn encourages some members to use the Site less. If you have an issue, please use the Help Centre.

Q 2: Do you plan to attend any adult events/conventions this year?
This would help with advertising and give models the chance to attend
with you and meet fans like mf c and other sites do.

A 2:

We are currently in discussion regarding sponsorship at a high profile Awards Event, more details will be advised soon. If you are aware of any advertising opportunities that might be suitable, feel free to drop us a line via the Suggestion Box.

Q 3: do you plan to fix the issues with justcamit that have been
causing members to experienice being booted out of paid shows or not
being able to enter at all (they see a load screen)? These issues are
NOT on the model's side and I speak for many others.

A 3: There are no outstanding issues with JustCamIt or either of the DirectCam players. Any clients experiencing any problem should contact us. Assuming no technical issues on the plethora of different devices and connections out there, clearly the version of events described to a cam host by a client may not always be an accurate version of events, more a polite way to exit.

There are so many providers on cam who look bored, tired or simply can't be bothered and then cry "technical fault" when people come, then go. If webcamming is more than just a hobby, treat it like so. Invest in good hardware, good lighting and ensure you always appear ready and capable of performing.

Q 4: Are you going to fix direct chat as currently only about 7 out of
every 10 calls get through? Again this is not on the model's side.
This is an issue I brought up years ago at the very first q&a yet it
is still happening.

A 4:

The stats simply don't back this up. The DirectChat system is always monitored. If you have dates, times and caller details, tell us about it via the Help Centre.

Q 5: Could you *please* add an option in search to "Exclude hot
lists". This will be a big time-saver. Currently we have a tick box
"[] that are in my Hot List" so I'm hoping it would be possible to
add another stating "[] Exclude Hot Lists"

A 5:


Q 6: Do you plan to advertise more to get the traffic volumes up as
with all business always needing NEW customers?.

A 6:

See answer to Q1.

Q 7: would you consider changing the minimum pricing for videos? At
the moment I am forced to either charge through the roof for my videos
or lower the quality so much that the quality is terrible.

A 7:

We were about to change this a couple of weeks ago but noticed virtually all movies were being sold in excess of the minimum pricing, so moved on to other priorities. If you need help please contact the Help Centre. Movies straight off digital cameras or iPhones are now close to DVD quality which does lead to large file sizes.

The movies platform is currently being re-worked to remove the pricing criteria altogether and allow for playback of any movie on any device, moving away from WMV format.

Q 8: Can we have Direct IM in a more prominent position along the top
bar on the home page?

A 8: Not in the current design, but plans are afoot to totally re-design the main layout.

Q 9: Push for IStreaming to launch an updated version of Justcamit
Lite compatible with new player

A 9:

It is, just not with various mobile devices. The use of flash is rapidly being un-supported by all the major browsers and providers, so the sooner you switch to using JustCamIt the better.

JustCamIt Lite is an emergency, backup solution. If webcamming is more than a hobby for you, invest accordingly. It is very simple to run Windows on a Mac now. (Bootcamp, Parallels ...)

Q 10: consider increasing minimum charge per minute to 1£?

A 10:

Minimum charges are considered carefully and will be assessed regularly. If the Site is to continue growing we do not believe that inflating minimum charges at this point will result in success for all.

Has anyone really considered this from a client's perspective?

Q 11: can we have some sort of record to show how many times certain
movies/rentals have been sold. At the moment if you want to keep track
of how well any individual movie is doing you have to trawl back
through statements and manually count it all up.

A 11:

Yes - added to projects list.

Client Q 1: The ability to search blogs.

Client A 1: Added to projects list.

Client Q 2: The ability to download emails, both sent and received,
over a certain age, like a month for example, in a format suitable for
importing into most commonly used PC Email Clients.

Client A 2:

Client Q 3: The ability to view Bookings as a separate option, rather
than having to trawl through "All Correspondence" in order to find
them. The current options don't seem to find them.

Client A 3: Added to projects list.

Client Q 4: Main Page > Quick Links > Your Hot List. If you have
several hot lists but the default one is empty, clicking this option
causes an error. Better it displayed the list of hotlists, I think, if
there are any, in the same way as Search > My Hot Lists does.

Client A 4: Fixed.
UK Office landline number is 02080508019 12midday - 2pm Monday - Friday

[-] The following 3 users say Thank You to admin for this post:
  • country-gal, Likes-Big-Girls, MadameSays
Obviously i7, pro lighting, the latest logitech webcam, 5 yrs revenue generating service, and hundreds of new members brought onto the site via my links are not good enough to warrant properly addressing my concerns. Very depressing.
[-] The following 2 users say Thank You to xKatieBabyx for this post:
  • MissL, MissRoxxie
Exactly what I took from that too Katie. I was under the impression that the % we pay to them plus all of the featuring and bidding for placement we pay for was for THEM to bring us traffic. How is it our responsibility to bring traffic to the site?

I also love how once again they are insisting that there are no "glitches" on directcam that's not do with us or the clients.

At least they will be changing the movie pricing system but I noticed that they led with "there is no problem with the current min pricing system" sentiment.

And of course last but not least, it is our fault there is less traffic due to us complaining about the glitches etc on here.

Face palm.
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  • MissRoxxie

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