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UK Punting!
(14-06-2015, 00:39)Nova70 Wrote: The thread about his imaginary STDs has already led to accusations about the women he's reviewed, I think that's disgusting Simon what do you think, do let us know.

So Simon while we're here why don't you give us your thoughts on "U" I'm sure you know who that is, others on UK Punting are convinced he's a pimp they think he's Sergei, I think he's a kid who's made them look foolish but they can't admit it.

what I think is that Puntico probably has genuine STI's, he might have picked them up years ago and they've only recently manifested, and speculation on where he might have picked them up is pointless. It's not as if he was trying to blame anyone himself.

But other than Puntico and one alleged millionaire (West8?), I have no idea who the people you are discussing might be. Frankly, you do seem to have a bit of a fixation. If any UKP member has embellished his personal details, I don't really care that much.
(14-06-2015, 13:02)Simon Wrote: Frankly, you do seem to have a bit of a fixation. If any UKP member has embellished his personal details, I don't really care that much.

Unfortunately Mr "Anonymous" Nova70 does seem to care, he has a lot of resentment issues with UKP (probably because they banned him) and won't let him back in to play with the big boys. And he loves his conspiracy theories.

He hides behind his anonymity to "rant & rave", like many of the other UKP rejects we have had here in the past. I have a feeling he may even be one of them back again, being anonymous he can be who he wants to be, rather than being a real man and standing up as himself to have a go at others.

He also gets confused, in one post I am meant to be trying to get back in to UKP and at the end of the same post I am the admin of UKP?

What goes on on other forums should be left on other forums, if their members don't agree with it then they can either say so or leave. People wishing to join the forum have a chance to read what they are like before joining, many still seem to be joining as their members are growing.

Now, back to my baking....

Sarah x x x
(14-06-2015, 13:02)Simon Wrote:
(14-06-2015, 00:39)Nova70 Wrote: The thread about his imaginary STDs has already led to accusations about the women he's reviewed, I think that's disgusting Simon what do you think, do let us know.

So Simon while we're here why don't you give us your thoughts on "U" I'm sure you know who that is, others on UK Punting are convinced he's a pimp they think he's Sergei, I think he's a kid who's made them look foolish but they can't admit it.

what I think is that Puntico probably has genuine STI's, he might have picked them up years ago and they've only recently manifested, and speculation on where he might have picked them up is pointless. It's not as if he was trying to blame anyone himself.

But other than Puntico and one alleged millionaire (West8?), I have no idea who the people you are discussing might be. Frankly, you do seem to have a bit of a fixation. If any UKP member has embellished his personal details, I don't really care that much.

Sorry Simon that's a weak response, you didn't answer my question, why did he change his avatar ?. As for placing blame for his STDs he doesn't have to as he knows others will do it for him. No fixation I'm just responding to your posts and trying to educate other punters as to the reliability of some the sites contributors.

One last piece of evidence for you to consider, take a look at the review the Barrister wrote in April, in this review he tells us that on leaving the block of flats where he visited this woman he saw two men sitting in a car outside using a laptop and phone and they were eyeing him up, now for some reason he jumps to the conclusion that these two men are the pimps of the woman he's just seen, why would he assume they had any connection to anybody living there let alone the wg. Speaking for myself if I saw two dodgy characters hanging about outside a wg's place I would certainly think twice about going in so lets credit pimps with a little common sense don't you think they know this as well so hanging around outside would be a little counter productive wouldn't it. Incidentally two other contributors to this review who have seen this woman cast doubt on this claim due to the parking situation outside.

You may not know this Simon but there is a history on UK Punting of fantasists describing their encounters with pimps, if I said to you 12% body fat would you know what I meant, well if you don't just go over to UK Punting and ask I'm sure someone will enlighten you. The Barrister was simply trying to spice up a run of the mill review with a little controversy and hey presto be the centre of attention once again but on this occasion nobody bit.

If you want to believe he's a Barrister fine I don't, if you want to believe he has both Cancer and STDs fine I don't, has he ever payed for sex, well apparently about 9% of men in London have but because of the doubts I have about him forgive me if I don't trust his reviews.

I won't even bother with millionaires that's just too silly but I'll send you a PM regarding "U", take a look at him and tell me what you think.
(14-06-2015, 15:07)wife4rent Wrote:
(14-06-2015, 13:02)Simon Wrote: Frankly, you do seem to have a bit of a fixation. If any UKP member has embellished his personal details, I don't really care that much.

Unfortunately Mr "Anonymous" Nova70 does seem to care, he has a lot of resentment issues with UKP (probably because they banned him) and won't let him back in to play with the big boys. And he loves his conspiracy theories.

He hides behind his anonymity to "rant & rave", like many of the other UKP rejects we have had here in the past. I have a feeling he may even be one of them back again, being anonymous he can be who he wants to be, rather than being a real man and standing up as himself to have a go at others.

He also gets confused, in one post I am meant to be trying to get back in to UKP and at the end of the same post I am the admin of UKP?

What goes on on other forums should be left on other forums, if their members don't agree with it then they can either say so or leave. People wishing to join the forum have a chance to read what they are like before joining, many still seem to be joining as their members are growing.

Now, back to my baking....

Sarah x x x

Your perfectly entitled to express your opinions about me Sarah no problem and I was joking about you and UK Punting, the issue really is more of a concern for punters than you, I say again UK Punting knowingly allows fake reviews because their too lazy to check them before their posted. I think your attitude may be slightly different if you were one of the wgs who will now be accused of spreading STDs because of the Barrister's fake thread.

And Sarah it was only after coming across this thread that some things I've read on UK Punting really made sense, they have actually criticised this site and some of it's members without actually referring to the site by name probably because they didn't want their own members seeing this thread and some of the other issues raised on it.

I feel I've made my point but if I spot anymore Barristers I can't guarantee that I'll keep my mouth shut.

Now, back to my wanking.
I just saw a post on UK Punting about how to save our private gallery pictures and movie clips to their computer.
Is there no way to have the site shut down ? It's just full of slander and illegal tips on screwing escorts over. Sad
(09-07-2015, 10:48)Toni...x Wrote: I just saw a post on UK Punting about how to save our private gallery pictures and movie clips to their computer.
Is there no way to have the site shut down ? It's just full of slander and illegal tips on screwing escorts over. Sad

No you can not get it shut down if it was possible then the FBI / CIA etc... would have closed WikiLeaks a long time ago

Is it illegal to save photos?

Sarah x x x
This is why it's important that if you have face pictures on your profile you should not use the same ones as you use on your personal social media because the picture search functions available can be used to track you down, this site does allow links to a wg's personal social media and has no problem outing them in this way and they do not need a reason to do that.
So UK Punting are using their Punting Wiki and the associated lists and Prostitute Blacklist to accuse wgs of being anti-punter for criticising the site, well in my opinion any review site that knowingly allows fake reviews is anti-punter because it potentially wastes both the time and money of punters, now can you trust what you read on the Punting Wiki and the lists associated with it...........I'm afraid you can't and I'll explain why.

Firstly Admin apologies for using actual usernames but you'll see why and that it is important. The Punting Wiki was inspired by a member who uses the name "london" when he started a thread that listed women by nationality the thread was titled "Polish girls in AdultWork from my HL". Why is this important ? well if you've read my previous posts you will know that I revealed that a member who I referred to as "U" was actually a child who had fooled the site for sometime and managed to get away with writing 17 reviews, I think I'm safe in giving his full username now it is UberX, I can now reveal that london and UberX are the same person, I'm reliably informed he's actually an Italian schoolboy.

Once again despite it being pretty obvious that he is a child and English is not his first language he easily fooled the site into believing him, the list he gave had 87 names on it and he claimed to have seen most of them and nobody questioned this, neither have they really cast any doubt on his other posts and his 3 reviews, he claims to be a very prolific punter often commenting on the reviews of others giving his experience and opinion of the woman being reviewed, his 3 reviews are hilarious and clearly fake but amazingly they are taken seriously by others on the site.

That first list he made was the starting point for the Punting Wiki and associated lists and he will almost certainly have made a huge contribution to it, apart from the two accounts I've mentioned he has several more so there is no way of knowing who is behind the information you read on the Wiki or the lists or Prostitute Blacklist so nothing you read on it can be trusted. UberX was banned and london hasn't been active for a while because he sometimes use to chat to himself using these two accounts and knows his london account is under suspicion but he is still using his other accounts and could be adding to the Wiki.

I'm glad to say that due to my posts on here UK Punting deleted UberX's 17 fake reviews, it's a small victory because there are thousands more but at least it's a start.
That's another reason why I love being 'out' about what I do for a living Smile Hell, the last time I was an employee (back in 2009) when I was filling in my resignation paperwork to commit to being a Domme full time there was a section which asked why I was leaving.

With a grin on my face, in front of the regional manager I wrote 'Leaving to commit full time to my work in the adult entertainment industry'. But it was no surprise to them either, all my staff and co-workers already knew what I did.

Hell even if folk do get 'outed' I've never seen a story where a person with a good business head in the adult industry didn't spin it, milk it for all it's worth and wind up better off for the exposure.
(09-07-2015, 13:39)Ana_X Wrote: That's another reason why I love being 'out' about what I do for a living Smile Hell, the last time I was an employee (back in 2009) when I was filling in my resignation paperwork to commit to being a Domme full time there was a section which asked why I was leaving.

With a grin on my face, in front of the regional manager I wrote 'Leaving to commit full time to my work in the adult entertainment industry'. But it was no surprise to them either, all my staff and co-workers already knew what I did.

Hell even if folk do get 'outed' I've never seen a story where a person with a good business head in the adult industry didn't spin it, milk it for all it's worth and wind up better off for the exposure.

Good for you, it's a job like any other and for men like me a vital one.

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