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Eastern European women being trafficked
It doesn't help that there doesn't seem to be a consistent definition of what "trafficking" means.

Pretty much all of Eastern Europe (except parts of what was once Yugoslavia etc) is in the EU now, and girls from there are here quite legally, they are not illegal immigrants (though they may or may not have paid an English-speaking fixer/pimp to sort out hotel bookings etc). Those from further afield (e.g. Thailand) may well be illegal immigrants, who have paid rather more to be smuggled in, but that still doesn't make them "coerced", the vast majority of them are here voluntarily.

Police investigations keep failing to find cases of forced prostitution, because it simply does not exist on any significant scale. Generally, where a case comes up, it's someone being "passed around" within a tightly-knit immigrant community, not someone made available to the general public.
Personally I think that, yes it probably does happen, but it's not even half as bad as the media tries to make us believe it's.

What if a man forces a woman to have paid sex against her will. Just one phone call to the police and he's up to his neck into trouble. Way easier to look for a lady who would like to do this and support her and get some financial compensation for his trouble.

By running a brothel or a love hotel. Both are illegal to run over here. But a brothel is legal in Holland and Belgium has got these love hotels.

I can't see there's any point in for anyone to force someone to be an escort against her will and you'll always need to look over your shoulder for the police.

Just start your own: cam site, brothel(NL), love hotel(BE), pole dancing club(UK), make porn video's etc.
There's so much a man can do. No point in doing anything illegal.
I forgot to ad that brothels and love hotels are ok to run in more countries then just Holland and Belgium. But I only know for sure that it's legal in these 2 countries.

Other things you can do is start your own swingers club or organize swingers parties.

I think the big issue they have with prostitution is this idea that most of us aren't paying their taxes.
These UK laws have absolutely nothing to do with protecting us ladies from exploitation and abuse.

If anything they allow men to abuse us:

Being a prostitute is allowed, but no one is allowed to help us.
We can only work as independent escorts in our own homes or visit our clients at their place.
That's not safe at all! Thankfully most clients are really nice. But we constantly need to watch our backs for this one guy who wants to hurt us.

I can't wait till they allow love hotels here in the UK.
I used to work in them in Belgium.

It's like a normal hotel with lovely en-suite rooms.
You pay for the room for one hour, 3, 5 or 12 hours.

You can meet as many customers as you want in your room.

It's safe to work there.
Apart from in your room there're camera's and your client is being welcomed by the hotel receptionist before he's shown where your room is.

In a brothel they take a percentage of what you earn.
In a love hotel they ask for the room to be paid.
From second and more customers they usually ask an extra fee per customer. This is for cleaning your room after every customer you had and clean bed linen and towels.

You just hire a room so it's up to the ladies where and when they want to work.
This forces the love hotels to compete in price and hospitality to the escorts. Not to compete in your price and service to your clients like in a brothel.

It's the best place to work as an escort. If they really want to protect us. Then allow love hotels in the UK.
Love Hotels? Germany has them as well, all legal.
They are already here in a small way, see my Oscar Lets link :-)

As for "trafficked" girls, some are pimped, their so called drivers live off them, AW profiles are controlled from either within UK or, from Austria, Spain and Italy. The majority of profiles are false and exchanged for several girls touring. I have no time for these girls or suitcase pimps, I have lost equipment and had premises for 2 girls occupied by 5! I do not tar all with the same brush. I hire to a group of Independent models and also solo who tour and are Romanian, Czech, Slovakian, Hungarian & Polish.....they tell me exactly how girls are pressured into working for those suitcase pimps or how they control the flow of money and those AW profiles.

Do not kid yourself that is is a nice easy going world of vice out there, it is not! Do you think our vice squad officers play Cludo all day long? It is a double edge sword, no easy answers to solving it but it is rife in all forms.
I am sure I read and herd about young underage girls being groomed and passed around as bits of meat for payment and favours in Rotherham lately or, was that just my imagination?
Oscar Casper facilitator for models/performers/escorts
AW profile:
Facility Lets:
[Image: Oscar_Casper.JPG?751]
YEs I believe as well there are loads of diferent nationalities not just easter European, one easy thing to know is that if thy don't enjoy what they are doing, is a good sign they are trafficked or against their will.
Hi Katie,
I run a studio in Romania. I tottaly disagree with your post and it makes a bad image for the industry. There is two types of studios:
1: Legal ones, registred to chamber of commerce, who makes legal contracts with models, pay taxes and so on.
2: Illegal ones who are formed from 1-2 work stations, they are un-registred, they dont have legal work forms for the models etc.

Now, the worst cases i heard in 10 years of activity are models who didnt get paid or diff attempts of studio owners to have sex relations. Thats all, nobody can keep a girl/model by force.
It is simply girls mistake when they choose were to work and usually they leave illegal studios and choose legal ones.

As for close, absolutly no studio can keep a girl by force. This are simply stories.

(25-10-2014, 10:37)xKatieBabyx Wrote: I always assumed the EU women were all trafficked but since there are quite a few on stripperwebb that often post I've learned that isn't the case. Many are forced to work from studios that's true, but that seems to be more do do with the lack of affordability of an independent internet connection, and because the site dictates that they must (aw and sm). the girls still choose to cam, their only restriction is where to do it from. I have known quite a few others who are able to work completely independently, either through daily pay, or because they are now located in another country which isn't restricted by the camsite.
You already have a bad image. No girl should be forced to work with a studio. Studios are parasites, existing only to feed off the money earned by their members.
(15-12-2014, 23:47)xKatieBabyx Wrote: You already have a bad image. No girl should be forced to work with a studio. Studios are parasites, existing only to feed off the money earned by their members.

All commercial businesses that employ people are parasites existing only to feed off the money earned by their employees to make the owners / shareholders money. This is normal business practice.

Nobody should be forced, against their will, to work for anybody. Some people are forced by circumstances to work doing something they do not like due to the lack of choices they have in life. If we all had more choices, I am sure many of us would not be doing this work at all.

Web cam studios, like many other businesses, including massage parlours and escort agencies exist because some people need them to work from.

Sarah x x x
Katie, i didnt came here to argue with you or anyone else, i just response to your post because it is a non-sense to say that girls are trafficked. The only girls beeing traffcked are the ones who work in "night clubs" from diff countries. As i say, many studios are old companies and they can be verified at any time. It is a big volume of work in a studio and for they dont stay just to take a percent from a model.
Greetings and Mary X-max!

(25-10-2014, 10:37)xKatieBabyx Wrote: I always assumed the EU women were all trafficked but since there are quite a few on stripperwebb that often post I've learned that isn't the case. Many are forced to work from studios that's true, but that seems to be more do do with the lack of affordability of an independent internet connection, and because the site dictates that they must (aw and sm). the girls still choose to cam, their only restriction is where to do it from. I have known quite a few others who are able to work completely independently, either through daily pay, or because they are now located in another country which isn't restricted by the camsite.
Katie, i didnt came here to argue with you or anyone else, i just response to your post because it is a non-sense to say that girls are trafficked. The only girls beeing traffcked are the ones who work in "night clubs" from diff countries. As i say, many studios are old companies and they can be verified at any time. It is a big volume of work in a studio and for they dont stay just to take a percent from a model.
Greetings and Mary X-max!

(15-12-2014, 23:47)xKatieBabyx Wrote: You already have a bad image. No girl should be forced to work with a studio. Studios are parasites, existing only to feed off the money earned by their members.

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