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Auto Updating!
Hi again Connie,

It's ok, I didn't think you we're being harsh but thanks for mentioning it and thanks for the welcome Smile
Also thanks for the advice, much appreciated.....

I can see where your coming from but all done and said, I could try every - legal - trick in the book, but if these girls are breaking the rules it would still be better they are stopped for the benefit of all the other girls.......
Lol, you're safe girls. xxx
I reported the girl who was jumping ahead for two reasons

1/ it does impact on my business if I can never get the top slot and it does give her an unfair advantage.

2/ what's good for the goose... if one girl is allowed to get away with it, then soon enough everyone will be doing it and it will become a game of who can write the cleverest script and any girl who doesn't have the technical know how to do such a thing will be permanently disadvantaged.

You can set scripts to do all kinds of things, not just update every x minutes... you can have them check the RSS feed of most recently updated profiles in your area and then update every time someone else does... it's really not hard to do for anyone with a modicum of programming ability.

I think the changes AW introduced recently were to stop anyone who updates too frequently from gaining the top slot by ceasing to modify their "last updated" time, whether they update by script or even if they do it manually. AW haven't been clear on how often is "too often" nor on how long the user will be sanctioned for... which is a good thing in my view. If people knew the "rules" then they would just modify their scripts to stay just inside of the goal posts!

I'm all for live and let live, and I'm not bothered by girls doing things they didn't ought to be doing, nor by girls seeking out ingenious ways of getting the best out of their profile, even if that means that they aren't operating strictly within the letter of the law, so to speak. I've always been a bit of a rebel at heart and I quite like the idea of bending/breaking rules and getting away with it!

BUT - if I think that someone else is gaining an unfair advantage and is, thereby, potentially affecting my business, then I will do what ever I can to change the situation either by stopping them from doing it or by beating them at their own game!

I wouldn't bother with anyone who is not a t-girl or is not in the south east or who just doesn't represent a threat to me because the offering they have is conceptually so different to mine as to mean that we are unlikely to have any client overlap.

I know that reporting a girl can potentially have a direct impact on her income, so I would want to be pretty sure of myself and I would always hope that AW would send a warning first - although sadly, in reality, they probably would not. In an ideal world AW would not just switch off girls profiles unless they were obviously fake, and anyone who seemed genuine would get a polite e-mail asking them to play fair. I've spoken with webmaster about this numerous times and their position has softened somewhat, but at the same time they are on the warpath against the organised gangs seeking to take food out of our mouths by putting up fake profiles so on the whole they prefer to shoot first and ask questions later. But they have now introduced this regime of asking girls to verify rather than just shutting them down immediately, which is a good thing in my view.

The site is too big to be properly policed by AW... they do need the users to do a bit of self policing. If we all sit back and allow everyone to do as they please and don't take action ourselves to protect our own interests, then we can't really complain when the site goes down the pan because sure as eggs is eggs, if one person gets away with it others will soon enough follow suit.

So I'm sorry if Scotty got closed down and lost some significant income over it... I know how it feels because it has happened to me too! Except I never got my old profile back, not the feedback and field reports it had, nor the views nor the history which proved me to be an established girl... no... I lost it all and started again with a new profile from zero.

I would say - if you think a girl is doing something which gives her an unfair advantage, and you think that her advantage has the potential to directly impact on your income and you are SURE what she is doing is against the rules, then sure... report her. But when you do, just remember that she may well suffer more than an annoyance... she might lose her income... it's not something to be done lightly!
Transsexual working girl in Surrey
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Call 07856 061172
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Hey Trinity-Belle..

Now there's an answer - All I need to do now is keep on at AW until they respond.... Thank you x

I think its wrong and unfair if people use this kind of got to play fair others girls do,no idear how it works bt I of fault AW might be abele to see if your profile had real been updates or just a system thing.
In all the years I have worked and that is many, I have always found girls moaning about other girls....

I have no problem with what anybody gets up to on Adultwork
I have no problem with all the fake profiles

If there is a problem re-think your own working structure

I work at making my business the best I can, that is my job and that is what I work at, it is what I have always done. Occasionally I have gained an advantage by what I know, sometimes I have gained an advantage by who I know.

Sometimes I have just gained an advantage by working hard at what I do

On Thursday I did really well considering Adultwork was down, I may have actually done better than I normally do. I did this by doing something that I do not usually do as it conflicts with my Adultwork business. I also finished at 6pm rather than 8.30pm

Pre internet, many girls used to spend all the time on the phone complaining about each other which actually stopped punters calling them - bizarre but true.

Sarah x x x
(15-04-2013, 01:03)wife4rent Wrote: In all the years I have worked and that is many, I have always found girls moaning about other girls....

I have no problem with what anybody gets up to on Adultwork
I have no problem with all the fake profiles

If there is a problem re-think your own working structure

I work at making my business the best I can, that is my job and that is what I work at, it is what I have always done. Occasionally I have gained an advantage by what I know, sometimes I have gained an advantage by who I know.

Hi Sarah..

I completely see where you're coming from and I agree, the best way forward is to concentrate on your own business and not others!!

But - in this case I feel it's something that affects my business.
These girls who are constantly at the top of the listings must be seen more than me so must ultimately get more work.... work I would possible get if my profile was at the top of the lists 24/7.

Okay, I agree, if these girls set there alarm clocks day and night and can be bothered to update their profiles manually every hour or so - I commend them... But tbh, I really don't believe they do this..
I guess they all work for some agency who controls their profiles and the agency updates them automatically!

I'm sure all of us want to be at the top of the listings day and night.. and as much as we can we update our profiles to achieve this. Also many pay to be featured some days because being at the top brings in more work!

So really if girls - or agencies - use auto updating systems, then it must get them more work otherwise they wouldn't do it.. but it does put all the other girls at an unfair disadvantage!!

For the sake of my business I believe Auto Updating should be stopped!!!


I agree with W4R to a certain extent... better to concentrate on targeting and promoting your offering. But sometimes girls do things which affect you unfairly. They will probably get their comeuppance eventually, so you could just sit back and leave them to it... or you can take affirmative action.

I guess you have to think in terms of what you might do if you owned a coffee shop. If another coffee shop down the road undercuts you on price, you might cut your own prices, or you might work on making your shop nicer and more welcoming so that people are happy to spend the extra. If that same coffee shop starts aggressively advertising, then you might respond by advertising more than them and having bigger and better ads... but if they start dumping rubbish outside your shop and putting concrete blocks outside your door then it's not enough to just keep clearing up... you need to take some action to stop them doing it.

Transsexual working girl in Surrey
See me on AdultWork

Call 07856 061172
Follow @Trinity_Belle on Twitter
(15-04-2013, 11:10)Trinity-Belle Wrote: I guess you have to think in terms of what you might do if you owned a coffee shop. If another coffee shop down the road undercuts you on price, you might cut your own prices, or you might work on making your shop nicer and more welcoming so that people are happy to spend the extra. If that same coffee shop starts aggressively advertising, then you might respond by advertising more than them and having bigger and better ads... but if they start dumping rubbish outside your shop and putting concrete blocks outside your door then it's not enough to just keep clearing up... you need to take some action to stop them doing it.

I totally agree....
In the first place the other coffee shop would be doing things in fair play but if they started dumping rubbish at the front of my coffee shop this wouldn't be fair play.....

Using the same illustration...
The way I see it is like this... these girls - possibly using Auto Updating - are setting up a coffee shop stall right in front of my shop! People are sure to buy from them first..
It would be wrong for me to touch them in anyway but I would report them for illegal trading!!!

The analogy used above is not quite the same, we are accusing people of doing something just because we think they are, not that we can see them doing it or actually know they are. They may not be.

You can spend your time updating your profile every 5 - 10 minutes if you want which will also help keep you at the top of the list. At first I did not realise that you had to update part of the wording to get to the top, if others do not know this then we all have an unfair advantage over them.

It is also possible that the same people that do not know how to update their profile will be thinking that we are all using Auto update scripts

I am not sure what the answer is, but what happens when you report these girls that you think are cheating to find that the next day they are still above you in the listings? What shall we accuse them of next?

If they are using auto update software then I am not noticing any problems to complain about or maybe I am just ignorant to how many escort bookings I may be missing

My PG credits do ok, I am not sure what they should be doing but they cover the cost of my advertising and each month I am able to draw some out. The more I advertise my profile the more credits I get.
(15-04-2013, 09:33)clairexxx1991 Wrote: Okay, I agree, if these girls set there alarm clocks day and night and can be bothered to update their profiles manually every hour or so - I commend them... But tbh, I really don't believe they do this..

Every hour or so? It makes me wonder how often people are actually updating their profiles, I update mine every 15 - 20 minutes when I am working and as soon as a client leaves.

Sarah x x x

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