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Pregnant by a Punter?
(24-10-2011, 18:31)Lady_Lust_XXX Wrote: Hindsight is a great thing but if a condom split with you Mr Smith would you be calling the prossie 6 weeks later to find out if she was pregnant. I doubt it.
I'd actually be quite concerned tbh. In fact I would be beside myself with worry, I have no desire to be a dad, especially with someone I don't really know (irrespective of their profession)

I am a responsible adult, but I think it would be a bit presumptuous to march a virtual stranger down to the nearest chemist for the morning after pill.

the idea of something growing inside me makes me almost vomit lol

i tihnk its for some and not for others


i thought the same tink but found out 3 weeks before i had them umpteen tests even scans were negative still had periodsat that time if i had found out at 26 weeks could have had it terminated but was too late but think they should bring the longer period back instead of 16 wks
had my scan, Something to do with my eggs they are tender, bleeding for 5weeks is no joke! In pain at mo, No babies in there Sad thought they come out with o yr bleedin bcs yr avin twins lol!
Find out more 7th dec. Hopefully the bleedin stop and get back on cam!!!

Anyway lolo, Im glad its 16wks!!! I woudnt change that longer a baby can live at 21wks!!
Plus at 16 wks its moving and suckin it tumb! I only get rid if its poorly and no life for it!!

Mr smith bless ya Wink

Thanks for the gd luck wishes, if they call me early then 7th dec then i know its back but in the eggs this time Sad
No more babies but I want to fight for my life, BRING IT ON!!!



xXx H xXx

These days now im 30, and seeing my sisters kids, id really like to have one or 2 of my own with someone, preferably with a girlfriend.

But if it was with an escort, our parents especially mine would have to be told that we had a one night stand or we were/are fuck buddies, thats all, no mention of paid sex etc. Same thing for when the child grows up theres no need to tell him/her the whole story, just say it was one of those things.

If she came to me saying shes pregnant (and allowed a DNA test later) and asked if id like to be its dad be part of its life then id be totally supportive for her and encourage her to keep it.

And preferably a daughter rather than a son. Tbh i dont like men/boys theyre so boring though i never show it, women/girls are so awesome. Turns out my moms dad always shared the exact same view :p
It's hard to make a baby girl!
If a Man as made a girl, he's a MAN!

But I do want a Boy and my girls love a baby brother Wink

But most of all as long its healthy I dont care!

Nice to hear that from a guy he wants a daughter its all sons to play football etc!


xXx H xXx

Abortion would be the only option for me, personally... Wouldn't want to have a child with someone I didn't love. But I guess that's just me - I am naturally very maternal (Maybe an astrology thing, I'm a cancer), but I don't want my own. Rather just play with my nieces and nephews and hand them back to Mum when they are cranky, tired, or covered in shit. Hehe...
When i first got with my ex who was/is an escort and was escorting when we were a couple, we both said we'd like to settle down together start a family etc.

There was a time she thought she might be pregnant as she was late by a week or something. She always used condoms with clients, but didnt with male pornstars when she went for hard B/G usually certed film shoots a few times every month. So she was having bareback sex i think was with 2-5 different male pornstars per month, and me every weekend or 2 from friday night to sunday evening (i always came inside her every time). And like, i dunno, 20-30 clients /month with condom.

I asked her if she is pregnant would she keep it, she responded yes but only if id stay with her and be the dad (even if a DNA test proves negative) because she might not be able to find who the other men are due to some privacy laws and not knowing the performers real/full names. I agreed i would, because you know... i loved her, but under one condition - only if theres no chance of the baby being mixed race, lol i wouldnt be able to explain that one to my family.

One weekend she went away somewhere up north for a porn film shoot where she met some very rich guy aged 50-60ish, apparantly he was some big name in the adult entertainment industry. They went out in the evening together with some other people.

She said they never had sex as he wasnt a client (but something in her voice/face looked odd), yet he had wined & dined her all weekend (an entire weekend with an old-ish man and he didnt pay her for her time? something wasnt right) During some alone time together he discussed with her that he was looking for a beautiful young woman to have a child with because he hadnt got any children to leave his £ millions to, not to her, but the child when of age. He was totally serious lol.

After she told me all this when she got back in a bit of a keen voice, she didnt ask me if its something id ok with, she was being all quiet-weird, i thought she seemed like she wanted to take up his offer. It was around this time that our relationship started to slide, we didnt seem like much of a loving couple anymore.

When we went to her best friends house, us and 2 of her best friends. She mentioned to them about what that millionaire said and that Tom would be the dad. I thought... omg tell the world why dont you, this situation is horrible. We split up.

Then after about a year she wasnt on adultwork anymore or on any other website. Ive always wondered if she went for that blokes offer, as she didnt have any qualifications or experience with a real job other than being a barmaid, and the recession so theres no jobs out there. And she always wanted to have kids.
Every girl wants to be her daddy's princess as in paternal father not some dirty old man Smile unfortunately it takes a real man to be a father. My daughters dad is an ex boyfriend, when i did fall pregnant after my first year in the industry there was a lot of gossiping and bitchiness behind my back even as far as a so called friend intimating to people that a client was the father of my child.

I never needed to prove to anyone who my daughters father is as I know 100% who the tosser is but a DNA test proved beyond a doubt. There is always that risk of having to explain to your child one day who her daddy was and i would hate to tell me child it is a nameless man who paid me for sex. I can wholeheartedly say that if ever a condom split I always take precautions even though i did have had my tubes tied. I would love more kids but am unable too and in this industry do not want to have to face my children one day with the uncertainty.

unfortunately there are clients out there who do not care and do try boinking you bb and i have even had a client try it on forcibly once. I think he is still walking with a wobble. The thing is in the long run we have to consider our children and just shrugging your shoulders and saying i dont know is just the first step in rejection for your child.
I used to be snow white but drifted...

(24-10-2011, 13:01)Heather_Edwards Wrote: (( Heartbeart begins at 3weeks, Before Missed Period))

But your heart beat would get a lot faster once you found out...


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