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I have one of those Sad No one here seems to like it! Even got built in nets over all the windows, so i really dont know where theyre coming from!
the body shop used to sell a really good repellent made out of grapefruit, it smelt great to people, but the insects just stayed well away

Aww thanks Mrsmith, will have to hunt down the nearest body shop Big Grin Much appreciated x
My mum uses the plug in mozzie repellent, or the coil ones that burn like incense. I image all the ferreterias sell them. I give myself an little spray of Jungle Fever or something similar when I'm there - I always get bitten alive if I don't.

Love your new avatar pic btw Katy - forgot to say!
Yea those coils are ace!
Havnt tried a plug in actually might get one Smile Im not really sure if it is mozzies though, i havnt seen any around for ages! It may just be while im out and the bites are showing up at home Sad Got some family coming out on the weekend, ive asked him to pack me some decent repelant, the ones over here seem really greasy!

Thank you! xx
I never see the little buggers, just wake up with the evidence! I have been known to spray my bedding and just put the repellent on my pulse points, cos I hate the feeling of it on my skin.
My mum gets a really bad reaction to them and really swells up so she has to take anti-histamine as well.
I used to see them, you should had seen my house when i 1st moved it lol i used to walk everywhere with a slipper in hand! haha!! No bites though this morn, maybe the dont like the air con Big Grin
Hurray someone else with a love of reptiles!!!!!!

I've got two bearded dragons and an African fat tailed gecko, they are my babies and I absolutely adore them!

I'm going to the reptile show in Doncaster on Sunday so expect to increase my collection haha! I used to be absolutely terrified of snakes but my best friend has 14 of them so she got me holding some last weekend. I think I'm mostly over the fear so might have to add a little snakey to my collection of "weird" pets!
Beardies are quite cool, have nursed quite afew in my prevous wrk.
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I saw a four foot long iguana, when I was in the Caribbean. I was just walking along a path, went around a bend and there it was, in the middle of the path. It was huge, and so unexpected - I thought it was going to attack me, but it just stood planted there looking menacing (it might have been roaring and spitting, but that could be my over active imagination!). We left before it did - it wasn't frightened at all!

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