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Relationships and this industry..(and anything related)
OK, this is perhaps really random thoughts straight out of my head rather than a specific question but it would be interesting to hear other peoples comments etc. (The trigger for this is that I met a new client recently who asked a very simple question – would it be easier if you [i.e me aka friendly accountant] was involved with somebody in the industry?)

We had finished talking about the business side of our meeting and where just talking generally about life etc and she asked if I was single… hence the question.

A bit or preamble first so you now where I am coming from:

Whilst I appreciate that I am not as directly involved in the industry as all you ladies are, I have a very significant number of clients in the industry (some are very high profile) and I have become very good friends with a fair few.

Sometimes you just click with a person and a true friendship develops. I go out with a lot of clients on purely a social basis (some are single, some are attached). Usually where they are attached, the partner will come along as well as we all get on. I am also privy to a lot of things that perhaps their non industry friends aren’t.

I also have a lot of non industry clients who I will socialise with as well.

Irrespective of what they do for a living, certain professional boundaries have to be put up when the need arises. That’s pretty obvious really, but some people can’t mix the two.

My last two personal partners had “issues” with some of my adult industry client base. Needless to say they are now history for a number of reasons, one of them being the “issues”.

Whilst some of my non industry friends may know that I have clients in the adult industry (I never divulge names or locations – client confidentiality and all that good stuff), I sometimes feel that are sniggering at me behind my back.

If I meet anybody on a personal basis, I usually drop into the conversation that I have a niche client base and then see what happens. Some peoples expressions and reactions are priceless!

At the end of the day – am I bothered what they think? Hell no! I am big enough and ugly enough to not give a damn what people think – they are bigoted and that’s that.

Preamble over....

So – some questions:

Have you found that your own social circle has changed because you are now working in this industry – I am mainly referring to non industry friends who suddenly have issues with what you do for a living? Are they still friends?

Do your friends know what you do for a living? Approve / disapprove / don’t care?

Does your partner tolerate or fully support you (if appropriate)

If you are single, how do you address the issue of your work with any potential suitors? Do you only “date” people in the industry to avoid any awkwardness?

I suppose this all revolves around our current Society’s viewpoint on people in this industry – how has it affected you personally?

Maybe there’s no right answer, maybe I am talking crud… I have always been very open minded right from a very young age. Other people are not so….

Whom is right or do people agree to disagree?

Your thoughts / ideas / experiences welcome…….

My circle of friends is still the had already been camming but I didn't know till I told her and another is thinking about doing it too. I would have been surprised if any of my friends had issues because those types wouldn't have been my friend to start with.

My partner fully supports me and sometimes joins me (my photo here is from a roleplay movie we made together)! He likes the fact that guys are jealous of him and that he has a highly sexed girlfriend, it doesn't make him feel insecure...he wouldn't want me to escort and that's fine by me as I don't want to either. It was a through a friend of my partner that I joined the site.

Society's view...well when my mother found out what I do she was less than impressed, apparently I've sunk to an all time low! I haven't spoken to her about it but she asks sometimes how my work is going and I just say it's fine, I'm still saying to her that what I do is psychic readings...I wanted to work from home and part time, I do have a facebook page and am on a psychic site but AW kicked off more than the reading side, so this is what I do and the clients are a lot easier to please. It's tricky taking calls in both fields at the same time so I dropped the readings...can imagine how funny it would be to get the 2 mixed up LOL.

I think, friendly accountant, even if you have a partner who is in this industry, they will still have their insecurities triggered if they exist. We may know the reality of the job but could still feel jealous or worried that you prefer one of your clients.
Adultwork's Classy_Katy

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I think you are thinking about it too much!

And I wonder what your motivation for asking is?

I have three very good friends who know what I do for a living, and they are all fine with it.

One of them is a guy and I know he gets a "kick" out of hearing me talk about it. I don't talk about specifics, you understand, but I might just say I've been working hard or something and I can see him getting all hot under the collar thinking about it even though he tries to play it cool as a cucumber... girls in my line of work learn to spot the signs very easily! I know that he would like me to be more explicit, but I do make a concious effort not to say anything about my work to him because he is my friend and I don't want him to think of me like that.

The other two are both women and it's just a bit of a non issue... they don't want to hear about my work any more than I want to hear about theirs! But equally, they are happy to listen to me blow a bit of steam or rave about a great day and neither of them seem to react any differently to it than they would if I were talking about working in an office or something.

The problem with non industry friends is that they don't understand the business, so you can't really discuss you worries or concerns or talk through business strategies or go over plans with them because they just can't get their head around it - it is a very alien world to them and they just have no experience base to offer advice from.

As for partners... my life is too complicated. I'm happy to stay single for now.

If the "right" person came along and they could cope with all the madness of the sex industry as well as my personal "issues" then I would be open to it, but I'm not looking for it.

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Maybe I was thinking too much... No motivation at all for asking.

I have always been aware of how society has set views and opinions on certain groups of people.. The last couple of weeks have been interesting as I have met a fair few new clients and all their stories and experiences are all very interesting and diverse.

If I had the time then maybe doing a psychology degree might be useful.
(10-06-2012, 11:56)friendly accountant Wrote: Whom is right or do people agree to disagree?

There is no right or wrong, it is purely down to what you feel happy about, but due to intolerance fom certain areas there are many people that do keep what they do prvate as they know friends / family may be disaproving.

It's a life balance

Sarah x x x

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